12 May 2012

4 Little Lost Treads....

So Guys what sort of vehicle should these happy little tread units go to? While I have a couple of ideas, I figured I would ask.

As for their construction they are dead easy to make. Use a round punch to form the "wheels". Then Laminate them to a bit of backing plastic card, and trim the plastic card to the shape of the tread unit flush with the wheels. Finally using a bit of flexible plastic card, in this case 1/4 by 0.01 strip, glue it in place around the wheels.

Additional track detail can be added at this point. I have considered lugs in the form of small T shaped rod. But simple raised plates wouldn't be much of a trick either.


  1. Are they going to be used for a single vehicle?

  2. See that is part of the question... I have considered making bikes out of a single. or a jeep...

    That is why I am fishing for that golden idea...

  3. Perhaps a snowcat type tractor unit

  4. I thought that, but I just did something like that. I appreciate the suggestion though.

    Recently, when I go through my collection of resource pics and all I find is Lego Landspeeders, or at least that is what I find myself pondering.

    Usually it is in the middle of another project I get that "A-Ha!" of what to do, just hasn't been happening with these guys.
