16 April 2011

The Third Chassis Revealed

This is the 3rd chassis, I figured I would do something more military with it. Thus a armored car thematically inspired by Fennek a new Germen armored car. As you can see the gross modeling is done and it is down to the details. Roof hatches and the like.

Bus Details, the engine compartment and bumper built out. The covers, heat sink/vents/intakes are all courtesy of Kotobukiya and HobbyLink Japan.

The Wrecker hasn't seen any substantive work since the last up date, I am pondering the winch and the hook, both are easy enough to build. But I have some of GZGs Lifting Crane Arms (V15-ACC13) and I am pondering using them instead.

This post is a day late, was watching my ex-roommates little dog and he had a run in with a skunk right outside the backdoor. So the last 24 hours has been a odyssey of de-skunking said dog and house with a bunch of under-sink chemistry and elbow grease. Sigh, at least the dog is somewhat clean and there isn't the automatic urge to vomit upon entering the house. I pray the sun shines tomorrow so I can open the house up completely and air it out.



  1. Nice, I like that armoured car, you should make a rubber mould up so you can turn out a few resin copies for yourself.

  2. Thanks, I will think about it. this particular model unfortunately is a very bad candidate for a mold. More of a proof of concept model than a master. I like the form and the size so I am going to work on another with parts that are all mine.

    My unstated goal is a vehicle every 3 or 4 days to painting stage. Either a scratch build or conversion.
